IPA: dɪpɫʌmˈætɪk
- The science of diplomas, or the art of deciphering ancient writings and determining their age, authenticity, etc.; paleography.
- Concerning the relationships between the governments of countries.
- Exhibiting diplomacy; exercising tact or courtesy; using discussion to avoid hard feelings, fights or arguments.
- Describing a publication of a text which follows a single basic manuscript, but with variants in other manuscripts noted in the critical apparatus.
- Relating to diplomatics, or the study of old texts; paleographic.
Examples of "diplomatic" in Sentences
- I suppose it's what they call a diplomatic disease. logdon
- JOHNSON: Charles has what I refer to as diplomatic immunity.
- Well, the secretary of state's trip to Canada is putting a brand new spin on the term diplomatic relations.
- She urged the Democratic president to spell out the U.S. veto intention more clearly himself instead of relying on what she called "diplomatic nice speak."
- Today criticism came from a surprising corner, the Republican former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich blasting the State Department for what he calls diplomatic failures on Iraq.
- But Syria's U.N. ambassador, Bashar Ja'afari, accused Washington and some other Security Council members of waging what he called a "diplomatic and humanitarian war" against his country.