IPA: dɝˈɛktɝ
- One who directs; the person in charge of managing a department or directorate (e.g., director of engineering), project, or production (as in a show or film, e.g., film director).
- A member of a board of directors.
- A counselor, confessor, or spiritual guide.
- That which directs or orientates something.
- (military) A device that displays graphical information concerning the targets of a weapons system in real time.
- (chemistry) The common axis of symmetry of the molecules of a liquid crystal.
Examples of "director" in Sentences
- I started work with a visit to Norway, with director Daniel Evans (also the Sheffield Crucible's new artistic director), and designer, Ben Stone.
- The council unanimously agreed to send Gage a letter warning him for his decision last month to create and give the title director of public safety to Police Chief Randall Aragon without the council's approval.
- While the new co-owners assured Zola they have confidence in his abilities - and said they want to achieve Champions League football "within seven years" - they refused to confirm the futures of Gianluca Nani, the technical director, plus the chief executive Scott Duxbury, and the finance director, Nick Igoe.