IPA: dˈaɪrfʌɫi
- In a direful manner.
Examples of "direfully" in Sentences
- When she entered he looked up, frowning direfully.
- Glanced over her shoulder, struggled to frown direfully.
- Gerhardt was still in a direfully angry and outraged mood.
- Frowning direfully, she viciously decapitated another shriveled set of blooms.
- I do not have Hebrew, but my understanding is that the OT is more direfully condemnatory.
- The Hammal, direfully wrath, threatened to shoot him upon the spot, and it was not without difficulty that I calmed the storm.
- But nevertheless, traveller as he was, he passed the night direfully sick in his carriage, where his courier tended him with brandy-and-water and every luxury.
- And if it were ever consolatory to know this, or the like of this, it was consolatory then, when the impotence of his will, the instability of his hopes, the feebleness of wealth, had been so direfully impressed upon him.
- Noted Dr. F. B. Kane, of San Francisco: “Very many times my attention has been drawn professionally to the injury caused by the long hours of standing required of the saleswomen in this city, the one position most calculated to cause the manifold diseases peculiar to their sex, and direfully does Nature punish the disobedience of her laws.”
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