IPA: dˈɪs
- (Norse mythology) Any of a group of minor female deities in Scandinavian folklore.
- (Roman mythology) Hades.
- Distributed Interactive Simulation.
- (military, US) Defense Investigative Service
- (stock ticker symbol) Walt Disney Company.
- Alternative form of diss [(slang) An insult or put-down; an expression of disrespect.]
- (informal) Alternative spelling of diss [(slang) To put (someone) down, or show disrespect by the use of insulting language or dismissive behaviour.]
Examples of "dis" in Sentences
- *nawt tellin starcat dis mai nawt sekkund tiem dooin dis*
- Fank u Elvis…..dis iz teh 3rd tyme dis week fur me…….must be slippin…..
- January 13, 2008 at 3:14 pm orange: fish i ate was dis big gray: fish *i* ate was *dis* big!
- "dd" delete one line | dd | "dis" delete inner sentence * dis* "das" delete a sentence * das*
- December 31, 2007 at 3:12 pm of all dis pitures ..dis one maked me laff the mostest. eye crieded!
- "Dere is," agreed the new-comer, with displeasing alacrity, "und some is in _dis_ parish und dis sodality.
- Prof. APPIAH: Well, we say - or being dishonored, and that's what dis is short for, I think: disrespected or dishonored.