IPA: dɪsædvæntˈeɪdʒʌs
- Not advantageous.
Examples of "disadvantageous" in Sentences
- How would you rectify the prevalence of innate but deleterious (or disadvantageous) genetic traits?
- "disadvantageous" deal, saying that "the state will gain from the agreement, either directly or through royalties."
- Froufrou says: âHow would you rectify the prevalence of innate but deleterious (or disadvantageous) genetic traits?
- Keep your strawman arguments at home, Barb. and a man with 10 wives – disadvantageous as that is for the dog and the wives.
- Even where distinct vision would be 'disadvantageous' he half doubts if fusion comes to the rescue, or if even the color-wheel ever produces complete fusion.
- Better to stress that this is only one isolated incident, being played up specifically since it is such a disadvantageous story for the pro-immigration side.
- And if there is, I suppose you are ready to grant marital rights to a man with his dog, and a man with 10 wives – disadvantageous as that is for the dog and the wives.
- Any advantageous evolutionary change would have to exceed functional neutrality (zero) to the same extent that the wasteful disadvantageous junk exceeded zero in the opposite direction would it not?
- Genov's resignation on August 24 2009 was telegraphed some days ago after a fallout with Energy Minister Traicho Traikov about Traikov's allegation that Kozloduy had sold power on the open market on terms disadvantageous to the nuclear power station.
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