IPA: dɪsˈɑrmɝ
- A proponent of disarmament.
Examples of "disarmer" in Sentences
- Hare is a long-time unilateral nuclear disarmer and pacifist.
- Mizolwat - And doom't forget the disarmer behind your earners.
- Reagan clearly seems fascinated by the prospect of becoming the great disarmer, which is what gives conservatives the willies.
- The off-the-cuff charmer and disarmer from the old Straight Talk Express was missing from the second debate, a town-hall format that was supposed to be the most comfortable setting for McCain.
- Jeremy Renner stars as a bomb disarmer in Iraq, who shocks his friends and colleagues with his fearlessness in deadly situations — but that may be a sign of a psychological breakdown and addiction to danger.
- But unless one is simply an adamant disarmer or thinks that nuclear weapons are totally irrelevant in light of America's current conventional and technological prowess, dropping the triad just does not make sense.
- The chairman of the Joint Chiefs did provide one bit of advice at the end of his remarks on the Nuclear Posture Review - advice that the disarmer in chief would have been well advised to heed, but didn't: "Without such improvements, an aging nuclear force supported by a neglected infrastructure only invites enemy misbehavior and miscalculation."
- CHAREN: She ` s an Australian pediatrician who became incredibly influential during the 1980s as the leader of something called Physicians for Social Responsibility and she was an anti-nuclear, basically unilateral disarmer who was constantly framing things, as I said again with reference to Samantha Smith, in terms of our children and there are no communist babies.