IPA: dɪsˈɑrmɪŋ
- Charming; likely to put one at ease.
Examples of "disarming" in Sentences
- Their policy in disarming the natives has been often followed in the East.
- Aren’t these policies more effective in disarming those inclined to follow it?
- They have to do what we call disarming the doors if they want to be open the doors without blowing the slides.
- The legitimate government of Lebanon has an interest in disarming and disbanding Hezbollah in conjunction with Israel.
- Dr Mandela demands what he calls the disarming of my men, as he puts it, as though the carrying of symbolic weapons opposes any real threat to peace.
- “I strongly believe … that we must engage strategically in disarming terrorism by stopping their sources of supply of money, training, equipment and motivation,” he said.
- You will realize that security is a psychological matter, and if the French feel a security that will enable them to begin disarming it will result in an all-round reduction of armaments.
- How many times does it take N Korea and Iran to snub the U. S.'s efforts for peaceful deconstruction of their nuclear programs before Obama can accept that they simply have no interest in disarming?
- The position of Ford, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and chief negotiator of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons for the Bush administration, can perhaps best be described as counseling extreme caution in disarming while other states still seek to develop nuclear weapons programs.
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