IPA: dˈɪsʌpɫʌnɛri
- A disciplinary action.
- Having to do with discipline, or with the imposition of discipline.
- For the purpose of imposing punishment.
- Of or relating to an academic field of study.
Examples of "disciplinary" in Sentences
- Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. up to and including, adminstrative separation.
- The source said there were some "unauthorized techniques" used resulting in disciplinary action being taken.
- The city warned that the flier and communications like it could result in disciplinary action “up to and including termination.”
- See the NFL video on legal and illegal hits that was sent to players, coaches and teams to clarify which blows will result in disciplinary action.
- Overpromising results or inaccurate professional judgment almost never results in disciplinary action, and when it does, more often results in a very minimal sanction.
- That the dissemination of the identities of students involved in disciplinary proceedings by a school-sponsored newspaper carrying the school's name is not in any way a dissemination by the school?
- June 8, 2010, 10: 49 pm neurodoc says: ohwilleke: Overpromising results or inaccurate professional judgment almost never results in disciplinary action, and when it does, more often results in a very minimal sanction.
- Most men "didn't know what end went foremost" around the house, and left household affairs and child rearing to the women, occasionally intervening in disciplinary matters when their help was solicited by their wives. 9