IPA: dɪskʌntˈɪnjuʌs
- having breaks or interruptions; intermittent
- (mathematics) having at least one discontinuity
Examples of "discontinuous" in Sentences
- In this sense, de-Manian discontinuity is more radical "discontinuous" than discontinuity itself, that is, than any form of the discontinuous we can conceive of.
- Galileo introduces B lock Selection (sometime called discontinuous selection): the ability to select a box of text regardless of the line breaks or any other white-spaces.
- Particular discontinuities continue to surprise even if the idea of discontinuous form — which Eliot himself was to forsake — is now almost as familiar as its sober counterpart.
- The authors have used the flowering date in a second model and that uses what I call a discontinuous function, and that would not involve solving for roots or at least as I see it.
- Phillip A. Sharp in 1977 independently discovered that genes could be discontinuous, that is, a given gene could be present in the genetic material (DNA) as several, well-separated segments.
- In recent years Bateson in particular has championed the idea of saltatory, or so-called discontinuous evolution, and has collected a number of cases in which more or less marked variations have suddenly appeared.
- LLC, explains, "While a lot of attention gets paid to the higher data rates associated with HSPA+, 3G operators are actually placing equal or even greater emphasis on other key HSPA+ features, such as discontinuous data reception and transmission, which can dramatically extend the battery life and improve overall network efficiency."
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