IPA: dɪshˈɑrmʌni
- The absence of harmony or concordance.
Examples of "disharmony" in Sentences
- 'disharmony' - societal disharmony; such as crime.
- But disharmony is the very reason why a centre for harmonizing is necessary.
- The rebellious angel then tries singing another tune, which is also in disharmony.
- 'disharmony' - is generated by the effects of youngsters not having fathers around.
- Yum - I love what you wrote about coleslaw and the 'disharmony' it can create in a meal if it's no good.
- Also, if the self disappears into harmony, how can there be the kind of disharmony associated with emotion?
- In fact, the "dirty little secret" that he perceives - the "disharmony" - apparently doesn't exist in the first place.
- 143 Additionally, the brief discounted the suggestion that the marital rape exemption itself promotes domestic harmony and reconciliation, stating, "Marital disharmony is created by the sexual violence, not by a subsequent criminal prosecution."