
IPA: dɪsdʒˈʌŋkʃʌn


  • The act of disjoining; disunion, separation.
  • The state of being disjoined, contrasting, or opposing.
  • (logic) The proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the or operator.
  • (mathematics) A logical operator that results in “true” when some of its operands are true.
  • (biology) During meiosis, the separation of chromosomes (homologous in meiosis I, and sister chromatids in meiosis II).

Examples of "disjunction" in Sentences

  • And my heart with the fires of disjunction is fried:
  • Can it be that the disjunction is a final one? that only one side can be true?
  • This study demonstrates a violation of the rule in a context that justifies the label disjunction fallacy.
  • Cat's stories create a similar kind of disjunction when they recast slavery and eugenics in a fantasy setting.
  • While I think that allowing the disjunction is the easiest fix, I suspect that the heart of the problem is in the definition of offenses.
  • The Latin word "vel" expresses weak or inclusive disjunction, and the Latin word "aut" corresponds to the word "or" in its strong or exclusive sense.
  • But nowadays the term disjunction is more often used in reference to sentences (or well-formed formulae) of associated form occurring in formal languages.
  • As a first approximation, then, moral anti-realism can be identified as the disjunction of three theses: moral noncognivitism moral error theory moral subjectivism
  • (possibly but not necessarily described as a disjunction of concepts); or they could be subordinated to a single concept which represents in a prior and a posterior manner (per prius et posterius).

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