
IPA: dɪsɫˈaɪkt


  • regarded with aversion

Examples of "disliked" in Sentences

  • All it does is show why Darwin disliked Christianity.
  • The only person at the museum who was even more widely disliked is Jaber al-Tikriti.
  • He regarded Webster's dictionary as a purveyor of corrupting neologisms like "feedback," a word he disliked.
  • The sentence shows that Darwin disliked the form of Christianity that condems all non-believers to eternal damnation.
  • It was stated that the residents were known as Mesticos (in the past), a term disliked by the elders and unheard of by young residents.
  • You'd think any politician and spouse would have picked up on the contrast between Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush and which of the two was a huge political asset and which is "disliked" by a huge percentage of the public.
  • Imagine this lead sentence in a news story on Nov. 7, 2012: "Barack Obama enters his second term disliked by the majority of voters, distrusted by his Democratic colleagues in Congress and facing a budget catastrophe with few painless solutions."

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