
IPA: dɪsɫˈɔɪʌɫ


  • Not loyal, without loyalty.

Examples of "disloyal" in Sentences

  • There are a number of behaviors that can be classified as disloyal.
  • Indeed mamma began to reproach me for what she called my disloyal and treacherous sentiments.
  • To single out the Jews as being singularly separate and disloyal from the rest of America is the very soul of anti-Semitism.
  • Q If I could follow up on that, doesn't it seem like -- I almost want to use the word disloyal for an official to be told, you can't tell your boss this.
  • Happily, this wayward and pettish, I will not call it disloyal spirit, has passed away, and most of the "Annexationists" are now heartily ashamed of their conduct.
  • She courageously stood up to people who called her disloyal; one male colleague even punched her for suggesting that the U.S. should wait before it killed innocent civilians.
  • James Carville thought it was appropriate to liken Bill Richardson to Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver when he endorsed Barack Obama and reiterated his incongruous biblical analogy on CNN by saying that Richardson was being "disloyal" - not to the country, but to the Clintons.

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