IPA: dɪsɫˈɔɪʌɫti
- (countable) An act of being disloyal; a betrayal, faithbreach.
- (uncountable) The quality of being disloyal.
Examples of "disloyalty" in Sentences
- But they will never leave, and to show disloyalty is death.
- Attorneys are political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the President, and because disloyalty is a valid ground for dismissal, there's nothing to criticize.
- The president appreciated that his defense secretary didnt play out his battles in the media unlike, say, Powell and that he never uttered a word of disloyalty toward him.
- Clearly, disloyalty is not an attribute of Gonzales, who has shown himself willing to perform virtually any task for his “Godfather,” no matter how dishonest or demeaning.