IPA: dɪsʌbˈeɪ
- (transitive) To refuse or (intentionally) fail to obey an order of (somebody).
- (intransitive) To refuse or (intentionally) fail to obey.
Examples of "disobey" in Sentences
- Christ, and that to disobey is to be far from Him.
- The question is not: Do children frequently "disobey" their parents?
- So it is simply obey/disobey which is different from making a moral judgement.
- He promised to "disobey" orders to deploy and acknowledge he was "inviting" court martial.
- "laid on the heart" is so clear and powerful that to disobey is to disobey the voice of God.
- I agree that humans have the freedom to accept or reject God but freedom to disobey is not the same as freedom to judge.
- Thus natural standards of temper and conduct are seen to exist, below which men may not live without loss, and hence there are natural laws to disobey which is sin.
- We drew our battle-axes at the same instant, and rushed at each other, but before either had an opportunity to strike, the pipe was thrust between us, compelling us to desist, to disobey which is instant death.
- "By the power and might of the great God, and through the grace which he vouchsafes to our empire, be the name of the Khan blessed; and let all such as disobey (what is herein directed) suffer death and be utterly destroyed."
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