
IPA: dɪsˈɔrdɝd


  • Chaotic; without clear order; in a state of disorder.
  • (of a sequence) in an incorrect or unexpected order.
  • Deranged.

Examples of "disordered" in Sentences

  • The boy smiled good-naturedly as he recalled the disordered room.
  • More common, but lesser-known, is a phenomenon called "disordered eating."
  • Doesn't it suggest an explanation of what you call my disordered state of mind?
  • I walked in disordered haste from place to place, without knowing which way to turn, or whither I went.
  • News Daily News Personal FItness Columnist IN OUR QUEST for perfect men, too, have crossed the line into a condition called disordered eating.
  • At extreme ends, we have rising rates of eating disorders, and we also have a much larger section of the population that engages in what they would call disordered eating rather than eating disorders.
  • (An EDNOS, also called disordered eating, is an eating disorder that doesn't meet the strict diagnostic criteria for a full-blown eating disorder, but may include drastic weight loss, caloric restriction, binging, and purging.)
  • I decided to study solid 3He, my original thesis topic, and at the same time Gerry Dolan and I began a modest program to test some of the ideas that David Thouless had discussed on electron localization in disordered one-dimensional systems.
  • He said psychiatry, organized psychiatry has a bone to pick with us because just as homosexuals used to be years ago defined as disordered by psychiatry in its diagnostic manual, he thinks that pedophiles too should be removed from that manual that they're normal.
  • The enemy, completely hemmed in, were flying from our fire, and precipitating themselves in disordered masses into the ford and boats, in the utmost confusion and consternation; our 8-inch howitzers soon began to play upon their boats, when the 'débris' of the Sikh army appeared upon the opposite and high bank of the river, flying in every direction, although a sort of line was attempted to countenance their retreat, until all our guns commenced a furious cannonade, when they quickly receded.

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