IPA: dɪspʌnsˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of dispensing or dealing out; distribution
- The distribution of good and evil by God to man.
- That which is dispensed, dealt out, or given; that which is bestowed on someone
- A system of principles, promises, and rules ordained and administered; scheme; economy
- The relaxation of a law in a particular case; permission to do something forbidden, or to omit doing something enjoined; exemption.
- (Catholicism) In the Roman Catholic Church, an exemption from some ecclesiastical law, or from an obligation to God which a person has incurred of his own free will (oaths, vows, etc.).
Examples of "dispensation" in Sentences
- The priest offered forgiveness as a dispensation for their sins
- The school provided a dispensation for students who needed extra time on exams
- The company granted a dispensation for employees to work remotely during the pandemic
- The dispensation of food rations was carefully monitored by the government
- The dispensation of justice was swift and fair in the small town courthouse