
IPA: dɪzˈɑɫvd


  • that has been disintegrated in a solvent

Examples of "dissolved" in Sentences

  • Tommy glared at Jack again, but after a few seconds the expression dissolved, and he laughed.
  • How submerged sea ice could ever evolve evades me since ice usually floats in dissolved ice (water).
  • Then she pressed herself closer to him, murmuring something in Gaelic, and his expression dissolved in shock.
  • Their pre-war support for deposing Saddam Hussein dissolved very quickly, and their pessimism made the Left happy.
  • Question 2: What is the mass balance equation for the quantity of CO2 to remain dissolved in solution for all the waterbodies of the world?
  • The title dissolved to a book-lined study, a slow zoom to a close-up of a distinguished host in soft hat and satin ascot, turning a giant globe with one paw.
  • This relates, for example, to the ferments which occur in dissolved state in the secretions which are discharged into the digestive system and exert such a great influence there.

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