
IPA: dˈɪstʌnt


  • Far off (physically, logically or mentally).
  • Emotionally unresponsive or unwilling to express genuine feelings.

Examples of "distant" in Sentences

  • "I hate the phrase distant third," Mr. Fager said.
  • He paused for a minute, his expression distant and thoughtful.
  • The medical effect of alcohol and marijuana, it ` s what we call distant inhibition.
  • You know, they're trained not only in camps, but it appears to me that the tapes were used for what we call distant learning.
  • To one who charges me with being a distant relative of the chimpanzee, I give the reply of Henry Ward Beecher: 'I don't care how _far distant_.'"
  • Real reporters. not “techno sycophants” whose first job was at MacWeek, PCWeek or InfoWorld manage to remain distant from the subject of their stories.
  • "We're captives to the tyranny of what I call the distant depth, and there is no human access to the site of the spill," said Coast Guard Adm. Thad W. Allen, the coordinating commander of a response that includes nearly 8,500 personnel and 260 vessels.
  • Mr. ZABIHULLAH�MUJAHED (Spokesman, Taliban): (Foreign language spoken) LAWRENCE: Speaking with NPR by phone this morning, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah�Mujahed said that one of the men was killed and that the body, along with the surviving serviceman, are now in what he called a distant, safe location inside Afghanistan.

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