IPA: dɪstˈɪŋgwɪʃt
- celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious
- Having a dignified appearance or demeanor
- (mathematics) Specified, noted.
Examples of "distinguished" in Sentences
- Capacity to identify, attract, and retain distinguished faculty.
- The physical orientation, the Congregation says, must be distinguished from the spiritual.
- The term distinguished is predicable indeed of each of the members, but of each in a different sense.
- I also think that the authority of each is easily sustained by cases, such as NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel, that can be distinguished from the individual mandate.
- The financial crisis (which TARP likely helped to remedy) needs to be sharply distinguished from the economic crisis (which the $850 billion, so-called “stimulus” package has likely served to make matters worse).
- So that the new lighter-weight quarters could be easily distinguished from the previous issues an arrowhead was added to each side of the obverse date, and rays extending outward from the eagle were added to the reverse.
- The term distinguished between God’s ordination of Israel for unstated reasons of His own—reasons which the Jews spent millennia trying to parse—and, on the other hand, a clear destiny that Americans could readily perceive—our geography, our system of government, our generosity and natural bounty.
- In 1949, Vice President Alben W. Barkley became the first office, holder to receive the medal, and since then, Congress has recognized only what it described as the distinguished service of Democratic Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn of Texas, and Democratic senators Robert E Kennedy and Hubert H. Humphrey.
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