IPA: dɪstrˈɪbjutɪv
- (grammar) distributive case
- (grammar) A distributive adjective or pronoun.
- (mathematics) A distributive numeral.
- Relating to distribution.
- Tending to distribute; serving to divide and assign in portions; dealing a proper share to each.
- (mathematics) A property of functions that have a rule describing how the function can be performed to the individual components of another operation.
- (logic) Assigning the species of a general term.
- (grammar) Expressing separation; denoting a taking singly, not collectively.
Examples of "distributive" in Sentences
- It is this comparison of merits, rationum, that Aristotle calls distributive justice.
- As noted above the notion of distributive justice can be applied in the case of wages.
- It is merely another manifestation of what has been referred to as the distributive aspect of society.
- It gives to each according to his worth, like a manager or steward, and is consequently called distributive justice.
- A bargain is called distributive when more for one means less for the other, when no joint gains beyond simple agreement exist.
- Of the above three uses the distributive is the only one which is to be found in the N.T. Mk. 6: 7 duo duo, 6: 39 sumposia sumposia, 6: 40 prasiai prasiai.
- The very name which he gives to the social remedy, “distributism”, is felt to be quaint or strange only because of our complete lack of familiarity with the notion of distributive justice in this context.
- But there is another kind of justice called distributive justice, which deals which how collective entities a family, a company, or a state distribute their corporate products to the individuals that make up that collective entity and contribute to it.
- He is not a communist, he writes, because although he does support what he calls "distributive justice" the distribution of material goods as well as "psycho-emotional" goods, such as stability and peace of mind, he also advocates for the private ownership of property.