IPA: dɪstˈɝbd
- Showing symptoms of mental illness, severe psychosis, or neurosis.
- Extremely alarmed; shocked.
Examples of "disturbed" in Sentences
- "So your roommate won't be disturbed, is that it?"
- Angelica, while obviuosly mentally disturbed, is right!
- The anxious call of his name disturbed his concentration.
- I kinda just shut the door on him and ate my food in disturbed silence.
- The label disturbed her so much for a while that she vowed to abandon her new style of investigative reporting.
- Cooper, I would not object to your use of the term disturbed psyche in connection with the sensibility profiled here.
- If you read the comments, it shows that there are quite a few people who are disturbed from the censorship taking place.
- John R. the escalation of behaviors in disturbed individuals is observed so frequently by mental health professionals that it is always a factor to be considered in evaluations of individuals with problematic behaviors.
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