
IPA: dʌɫ


  • (computing) Download; Alternative form of DL.
  • (computing) Initialism of download. [A file transfer to a given computer or device from a remote one through a network connection.]
  • (military, nautical) Initialism of light destroyer, a variant of the destroyer type of warship.
  • (military, nautical) Initialism of destroyer leader, a variant of the destroyer type of warship. [(military, nautical) a warship, a type of destroyer used to lead a division, flotilla or squadron at sea and in combat, a heavy destroyer variant with larger displacement for command and control.]
  • Initialism of driver's license. [(American spelling) A document issued to a specific person by a government authority, permitting this person to drive one or more classes of motor vehicle on public roads and highways, often used as an identification document.]
  • (baseball) Initialism of disabled list. [(sports) A list of players on a team who are unable or ineligible to play because of an injury.]
  • Initialism of down low. [A state of secrecy.]
  • (technology) Initialism of distribution list. [(Internet) An electronic mailing list, made up of the recipients' e-mail addresses.]
  • (ABDL) Initialism of diaper lover. [(sexuality, ABDL) A person who wears diapers for pleasure or a fetish rather than necessity.]
  • (machine learning) Initialism of deep learning. [(computing) A form of machine learning based on the interpretation of the structure of data.]
  • (telegraphy) Initialism of day letter. [(telegraphy, historical) A telegram sent during the day for slightly deferred delivery on the same day, cheaper than a fast telegram, typically with a minimum charge for 50 words or less.]


  • (computing) Download; Alternative form of DL.
  • (baseball, transitive, informal) To place on the disabled list.
  • (computing) Initialism of download. [(transitive, computing) To transfer data to a given computer from a remote one via a network.]

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