IPA: dˈɔŋ
- The currency of Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol: ₫
- (historical) The currency of South Vietnam, 100 xus. Symbol: Đ.
- (slang) The penis.
- (slang, by extension) A dildo, specifically a synthetic anatomical replica of the penis.
- A low-pitched, metallic ringing sound.
- A submunicipal administrative unit of a city in North or South Korea.
- A surname.
- To make a low-pitched, metallic ringing sound.
Examples of "dong" in Sentences
- An area in Seoul called Shin-dong is famous for it.
- Is there anyway that what they are dong is possible?
- In the immortal words of the wonderful Kelly Broad, "Ding-bloomin '- dong!" you bet it is!
- You see fishermen like this on the rivers, and it cost 14,000 dong, which is the equivalent of $1.
- What you are dong is showing why the Texas BOA acted as they did and how accurate history may not your first priority.
- Go and have a look, and please comment -- Frank has called for non-US readers to comment as most of the ding-dong is from within the US.
- HSBC economist Prakriti Sofat said a wider band allows in theory for greater currency appreciation, which would help combat Vietnam's spiraling inflation, but in the short term the dong is likely to weaken.
- SBV lists sectors eligible for subsidised loan rates listed the nine sectors or industries eligible for the 4 per cent subsidised interest rate for middle-to-long-term dong loans as part of the Government's second stimulus package yesterday.