
IPA: dˈaʊɝd


  • supplied with (especially a dower or dowry)

Examples of "dowered" in Sentences

  • Poor Rachel Monterey, so well born, but un-dowered.
  • SO does this mean Eleanor of Aquitaine was well en-dowered with great...
  • O modesty revered! who can this lady be whom I behold, so richly dowered with beauty's gifts?
  • Another inhibition for Sophia, whose stepfather has dowered her with an enormous amount of money.
  • And now he, Ah Chun, the peasant, dowered his daughter with three hundred thousand years of such toil.
  • The next I name is Eteoclus; a master he of other kinds of excellence; young, nor richly dowered with store, yet high in honour in the Argive land.
  • He did not wait, but dowered them with a hundred thousand each, which sums lay in the Bank of Hawaii, drawing interest and awaiting their wedding day.
  • In 'The Bride Who Suffered Ill-Fortune', a well-dowered daughter who had married into a wealthy family in a distant land, gathered her few remaining belongings and returned home in shame after her in-laws spent her dowry following their bankruptcy.
  • At any rate, as the years pass, let us on this side of the water be more and more in the one great family, looking to the time when the young Canadian will win the crown of wild olive, that emblem of sweet honour and gray rest, that which is given as a reward and as a guerdon to gallant youth who stands dowered from the night and splendid for the day as the pride and hope of mankind.
  • Of Tydeus next the lofty praise I will express in brief; no brilliant spokesman he, but a clever craftsman in the art of war, with many a shrewd device; inferior in judgment to his brother Meleager, yet through his warrior skill lending his name to equal praise, for he had found in arms a perfect science; his was an ambitious nature, a spirit rich in store of deeds, with words less fully dowered.

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