
IPA: drˈæft


  • (American spelling) A current of air, usually coming into a room or vehicle.
  • (American spelling) The draw through a flue of gasses (smoke) resulting from a combustion process.
  • (American spelling) An act of drinking.
  • (American spelling) The quantity of liquid (such as water, alcohol, or medicine) drunk in one swallow.
  • (American spelling) A dose (of medicine, alcohol, etc.).
  • (American spelling) Liquid, especially beer or other alcohol, drawn from a cask or keg rather than a bottle or can.
  • (American spelling, nautical) The depth of water needed to float a particular ship; the depth from the waterline to the bottom of a vessel's hull; the depth of water drawn by a vessel.
  • (universal) An early version of a written work (such as a book or e-mail) or drawing.
  • (universal) A preliminary sketch or outline for a plan.
  • (universal) A cheque, an order for money to be paid.
  • (US, usually with the) Conscription, the system of forcing people to serve in the military.
  • (politics, US) A system of forcing or convincing people to take an elected position.
  • (sports, US) A system of assigning rookie players to professional sports teams.
  • (American spelling, rail transport) The pulling force (tension) on couplers and draft gear during a slack stretched condition.
  • The bevel given to the pattern for a casting, so that it can be drawn from the sand without damaging the mould.
  • (American spelling, possibly archaic) The action or an act (especially of a beast of burden or vehicle) of pulling something along or back.
  • (American spelling, possibly archaic) The act of drawing in a net for fish.
  • (American spelling, possibly archaic) That which is drawn in; a catch, a haul.
  • (British, possibly archaic) A quantity that is requisitioned or drawn out from a larger population.


  • (transitive) To write a first version, make a preliminary sketch.
  • To draw in outline; to make a draught, sketch, or plan of, as in architectural and mechanical drawing.
  • To write a law.
  • (transitive, US) To conscript a person, force a person to serve in some capacity, especially in the military.
  • To select someone (or something) for a particular role or purpose.
  • To select and separate an animal or animals from a group.
  • (transitive, sports, US) To select a rookie player onto a professional sports team.
  • (transitive, intransitive) To follow very closely (behind another vehicle), thereby providing an aerodynamic advantage to both lead and follower and conserving energy or increasing speed.
  • To draw out; to call forth.
  • To draw fibers out of a clump, for spinning in the production of yarn.


  • (not comparable) Referring to drinks on tap, in contrast to bottled.
  • Referring to animals used for pulling heavy loads.

Examples of "draft" in Sentences

  • Well, first of all, I don't use the term draft-dodger.
  • In other news, the pace of the draft is a lot quicker today.
  • I figure whatever gets you through the draft is all that matters.
  • From the end of the football season to the draft is a long stretch of time.
  • Far more often, the misinformation surrounding the draft is a relatively innocent brand of deception.
  • I think a good way to put it would be to say that this draft is the structure upon which the story will be built.
  • I know our draft is already underway, but I just saw an announcement that Erykah Badu is playing a show at Cramton Auditorium on Friday night.
  • U. experts visit second Iranian enrichment plant uranium enrichment plant yesterday to verify whether the newly disclosed facility was created for peaceful Iran and world powers on a deal to ease concerns about Tehran's nuclear drive started well Monday, the ... minister says officials will respond "within the next few days" to a U.N. draft proposal that would allow nuclear program despite international concerns, the country's president said Tuesday, as the world awaited Tehran's response to a nuclear deal that Iran (AP) -- Iran accepted the general framework of a U. N.-draft nuclear deal Tuesday, but said it would seek "important changes" that could test the willingness of world powers to make concessions in uranium out of the country for final processing.

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