IPA: drˈaɪɫi
- In a dry manner.
Examples of "dryly" in Sentences
- "La Mancha, " Vuillard said dryly, meaning the English Channel.
- "Dunnot hurt thysen explainin '," dryly; "I nivver set up fur one.
- "He isn't just the pardner," dryly, "that I'd select for a long camping trip."
- So many people were saying things "dryly" that I thought I was sitting in the Sahara.
- "I've heerd foak ca 'him one," dryly; "an 'if his cloas fit him reet, he mun be one, I suppose."
- We're not as well off as we have been, "dryly;" but I'm not a beast to see a man starvin 'under my roof.
- I seem to recall it being told kind of dryly, but the subject matter is really powerful and very relevant.
- When I persisted, he shrugged and agreed to let me continue seeing Doug, whom he thereafter referred to dryly as my “healing project.”
- An actor ( "Midnight Run" and those dog movies) and natural-born raconteur, he takes over Snyder's CNBC slot with the kind of dryly comic anecdotes he's filled three books with.
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