
IPA: dˈuʌɫɪzʌm


  • Duality; the condition of being double.
  • (philosophy) The view that the world consists of, or is explicable in terms of, two fundamental principles, such as mind and matter or good and evil.
  • (theology) The belief that the world is ruled by a pair of antagonistic forces, such as good and evil; the belief that man has two basic natures, the physical and the spiritual.
  • (chemistry, dated) The theory, originated by Lavoisier and developed by Berzelius, that all definite compounds are binary in their nature, and consist of two distinct constituents, themselves simple or complex, and having opposite chemical or electrical affinities.

Examples of "dualism" in Sentences

  • Do you agree that unless dualism is true, ID makes no sense?
  • Whether mind/soul dualism is true or not, the woman is full of crap.
  • The study of dualism is a major endeavor so I'll provide a shorthand version applicable to the mind/brain issue.
  • Dennett often mentions the history of “vitalism” in biology, as an argument by analogy, to show why dualism is wrong.
  • Even lower level Ubermensch know that only IDiots believe in dualism and that it is anything but emotionally reassuring.
  • How - ever, the subjects in which the term dualism is most often employed are the history of religions and philoso - phy.
  • To interpret Sarah and Karen as a representative dualism is to miss, with painful severity, the subtleties of what Russo is doing.
  • With this in mind, he rejects what he refers to as dualism or a gnostic understanding that separates body and spirit and denies the value of the body.
  • Second, the term dualism is employed in opposition to monism, to signify the ordinary view that the existing universe contains two radically distinct kinds of being or substance -- matter and spirit, body and mind.

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