IPA: dˈʌtʃi
- A dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess.
Examples of "duchy" in Sentences
- That country is now known as the duchy of Holstein.
- The district ceded to Rollo developed into what in later times was known as the duchy of Normandy.
- Among the numerous lakes which belong to the duchy are the Mummel, Wilder, Eichener and Schluch, but none of them is of any size.
- Charles subsequently insisted, however, that the duchy was a fief of the Holy Roman Empire and that he was sworn by oath to recover it.
- His duchy was a small one, furnishing him with not more than fourteen thousand crowns of annual income, and with four hundred soldiers.
- The Normans were driven out, and feudalism replaced the older tribal organization in what was hereafter to be called the duchy of Brittany.
- Active judicial intervention in the duchy was the Capetians most effective weapon in their struggle with the Plantagenets over ducal authority.
- But the event of the greatest importance which occurred during this visit to the duchy was the falling vacant of the primacy of Normandy by the death of Maurilius, Archbishop of Rouen.
- Our saint invested with that sacred character, returned to his flock, and settled the churches which he had founded in good order: then leaving them to the care of St. Willibrord and his ten companions, he penetrated further into {494} the country, and converted to the faith a considerable part of the Boructuarians, who inhabited the countries now called the duchy of Berg, and the county of La Marck.