
IPA: dˈʌɫnʌs


  • The quality of being slow of understanding things; stupidity.
  • The quality of being uninteresting; boring; humorless or irksome.
  • Lack of interest or excitement.
  • The lack of visual brilliance; want of sheen.
  • (of an edge) bluntness.
  • The quality of not perceiving or kenning things distinctly.
  • (archaic) Drowsiness.

Examples of "dullness" in Sentences

  • And that the dullness of death is gay, compared to thy dullness—
  • Blade Runner has some substance, maybe even a lot, but it's so buried in dullness it's tough to dig it out.
  • As Eliot notes, though, this dullness is actually a protection that keeps us from being overwhelmed by the power of the true nature of things.
  • On the contrary, a slow imagination maketh that defect or fault of the mind which is commonly called dullness, stupidity, and sometimes by other names that signify slowness of motion, or difficulty to be moved.
  • You know the pessimists who write so much about our slowness, what they call our dullness, and sometimes our blunders; they would not be satisfied unless they had the news of a Waterloo with their porridge every morning for breakfast; then their appetites would still leave them hungry for a Trafalgar each day every month.
  • Rather, the stylistic dullness is disagreeably coarsened and made the more decadent by being a brotherly symptom of, and in fact a technical support for, the assumption (which has only strengthened in the past 150 years) that the aim of poetry is apotheosis, an ecstatic and unmediated self-consumption in the moment of perception and feeling.

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