IPA: dɝʌbˈɪɫɪti
- Permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or force.
Examples of "durability" in Sentences
- Both had to be replaced, convincing me that durability is still an issue.
- The word "durability" means something different today than it did in 2001.
- Meantime, the long-term durability of the batteries they use remains uncertain.
- Kelvim Escobar will take over the closer role, but his durability is a question.
- "His athletic ability, his physical play, his durability, is a real positive," Jets coach Eric Mangini said.
- Â Since you will be moving the chicken coop around, having this durability is a necessity, so most plans will take this into high consideration.
- Zito's durability is unquestioned, as he has never missed a start because of injury in his career and averaged more than 34 starts each of the last six seasons.
- •Atlanta Falcons: They seem set on the outside with last year's first-rounder, Jamaal Anderson, and John Abraham, though Abraham's durability is always an issue.
- His long-term durability may be the biggest question mark but the speed is still there, even though the 32-year-old left wing admitted he wasn't as sharp as he hoped to be in his Capitals' debut.