IPA: ˈigɫɪt
- The immature young of an eagle; an eagle chick.
Examples of "eaglet" in Sentences
- For this fragile eaglet, ready to fall, unable to fly
- Dependent too long after independence, fragile like the eaglet
- The first eaglet answered, “Stay and take care of you, Mother, for the rest of your life.”
- So she asked each eaglet what he or she would do when she was old and utterly dependent on their care.
- Third eaglet hatched late on Sunday, April 12 by Meryl Ann Butler on Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 11: 27: 17 AM
- Sometimes the mother eagle takes a break and the father sits on the eggs for a few hours but fidgets, offering a glimpse of the new eaglet.
- Sometimes the mother eagle takes a break and the father sits on the eggs for a few hours but fidgets, offering a glimpse of the new eaglet. '
- Swiss is as safe by his side as an eaglet under the wings of its dam; and to leave us because danger approaches, is but a poor compliment to our courage or constancy.
- An Eagle Named Freedom (Powells City of Books, @7:30pm): An Eagle Named Freedom (Morrow) chronicles how Jeff Guidry nurtured an eaglet with two broken wings back to health — and then, when Guidry began fighting his own battle against non-Hodgkins lymphoma, the eagle guided him to fight for his own life.