IPA: ˈɝnɝ
- One who earns money.
- (Britain, Australia) A profitable product or scheme; something that brings in good money.
Examples of "earner" in Sentences
- They are probably US citizens, and now their primary wage earner is in jail.
- Once you were hired as a part time minimum wage earner, that is where you stayed.
- The wage earner is killed by a doctor addicted to drugs and because of this kills the wage earner.
- She is a big wage earner, which is good for her but get off the Obummer band wagon and be proud already!.
- I’ll jump to the chase: In the bottom three quintiles, a French wage earner is pulling in more than an American.
- Well then, what percentage of the FICA contribution of a $40,000 earner is being used to fund the current discretionary portion of the Federal budget?
- Great story and more proof, Cyra, that the average wage earner is not a degenerate junkie milking the system as the Right likes to pretend … Great job!
- So, even though the high earner is paying four times as much, he only has to work 1 hour for every 19 hours that the less well off family does to pay their taxes.
- But the oil wells can be run virtually independently of the rest of the economy; so, though to a lesser extent, can the diamond industry, Angola's second big earner, which is managed by South Africans.
- To take from a man his earnings, is theft; but to take the earner is a compound, life-long theft; and we who profess to follow in the footsteps of our Redeemer, should do our utmost to extirpate slavery from the land.