IPA: ˈɝnʌstɫi
- In an earnest manner; being very sincere; putting forth genuine effort.
Examples of "earnestly" in Sentences
- "Oh, but I had," said Martin earnestly, fixing the swinging ropes to their places.
- 'Oh, but I had,' said Martin earnestly, fixing the swinging ropes to their places.
- Now the woman's voice came to them calling earnestly, "Sahib, sahib, sahib!" she cried.
- As he traversed the streets, he called earnestly upon all who remained to rally upon the walls for their defense.
- "Ay, indeed," cried the Robin earnestly; "it is faithless work to give advice which you will not follow yourself."
- If the power of this charm were unchecked, it would re-absorb the masculine idea into the feminine, so earnestly is it desired by men.
- But he calling earnestly after me, and charging them to stop me, some of them were fain to run, and laying hold on me before I could open the door, brought me back to my place again.
- Melissa Hathaway, President Obama's go-to adviser on cybersecurity, issued a rallying cry for the tech security community to begin earnestly collaborating on a "holistic approach" to slow rising cyber threats.
- Melissa Hathaway, President Obama's go-to adviser on cybersecurity, issued a rallying cry for the tech security community to begin earnestly collaborating on a "holistic approach" to slow rising cyber threats.
- 'Well, you will allow me to say this, since I say it without reference to your personality or to mine -- that the Power and De Stancy families are the complements to each other; and that, abstractedly, they call earnestly to one another: "How neat and fit a thing for us to join hands!"'
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