IPA: ˈɪrʃɑt
- A distance from which sound is still audible.
Examples of "earshot" in Sentences
- He told everyone within earshot that he would soon be resigning.
- He regaled all within earshot with his "war stories" in Iraq in '91 and Somalia in' 93 quote
- Torture is something an entire society feels, whether we are within earshot of the screaming or not.
- Unfortunately for him, he muttered “Bitch” within earshot of a Republican operative with media connections.
- From her indignant retelling, she said that they even commented, in earshot, that she must not be a “proper Chinese”.
- Great post – I have (much to the annoyance of anyone within earshot) always tried to read my writing aloud while editing.
- All week long I've been telling everyone within earshot that I'm sick and tired of depressing, demoralizing stories about the baby boomers.
- Be careful with this one – it will probably get cheesy unless the character has a plausible reason to be within earshot when the conversation starts.
- Such as Clayton Williams, the Texas man who was idiotic enough to make the following comment about rape within earshot of a reporter while running for the gubernatorial seat:
- And there are symbolic margins along which men get a worse deal than 100 years ago - modern males are probably more afraid to make sexist remarks within earshot of their wives.