
IPA: ˈizʌɫ


  • An upright frame, typically on three legs, for displaying or supporting something, such as an artist's canvas.

Examples of "easel" in Sentences

  • On her easel is the Amish girl being hit by the car.
  • It converts from laptop mode, into what litl calls easel mode.
  • Behind the easel was a small wooden sideboard covered by a handmade afghan.
  • A lot of artists leave their creativity at the easel, which is not a good way to sell paintings.
  • Los Angeles To conservator Sue Ann Chui at the Getty Museum, the 518-year-old wooden panel painting on her easel is a study in the subtle science of art.
  • On an easel was a large painting of a street scene in Mexico, with dark-haired women in flowing skirts, children playing, and flower vendors with their carts.
  • We freely admit that we take inspiration in easel mode from the metaphor of the TV and agree that people need a web appliance but by the same token we are still a webbook and work like one in laptop mode.
  • On the easel was a wild abstract in crude bright colours, bearing no visible relation at all to the scene in the harbour before them; it was unexpected, compared to the neat, anaemic little water-colours that nineteen out of twenty Trewissick harbour-painters produced.

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