IPA: ˈizʌɫi
- Comfortably, without discomfort or anxiety.
- Without difficulty.
- (colloquial, not comparable) Absolutely, without question.
- More quickly or likely than is usual or expected.
Examples of "easily" in Sentences
- To like someone is not a term easily employed by Klingons.
- The message was simple enough, the name easily remembered: call Tedesco.
- If you can't read the label easily, it is prescription Silver Sulfadiazine Cream.
- More importantly, you can now launch the Recycle Bin easily from the Windows Start Menu search box.
- And everytime I read the English you use when it comes to Hillary it easily translates as: "Unhinged."
- We are told that a fool is born every minute, and, the average man being something of a fool, the label easily catches him.
- This was true of the ancients: “Pregnant women should above all else avoid repletion,” or overeating, declared the second-century physician Galen, who noted that “servant girls and other poor women” are not “stuffed beyond due measure with food,” yet they “reach their term easily, go into labor easily, and bring into the world a large and well-nourished baby.”
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