
IPA: ˈistwɝd


  • The direction or area lying to the east.


  • Situated or directed towards the east.


  • Towards the east.

Examples of "eastward" in Sentences

  • After 1700 most new colonial settlement moved eastward from the village of Stellenbosch.
  • Across the mountains from Fort Macpherson, and a couple of hundred miles eastward from the Mackenzie, he built a cabin and established his headquarters.
  • Starting from this idiom, that is to say eastward from the Hungarian frontier, another language prevailed all over the territory in that direction comprised in Europe, and even extended beyond….
  • At the same time, the Iranian revolution closed off an important route for drug smugglers, who began transporting locally produced heroin eastward through the Khyber Pass and down to the port of Karachi.
  • The smaller area south-eastward from the St. Lawrence, including the Maritime Provinces, is chiefly the extension into Canada of the Allegheny Plateau, which though rugged in Gaspe Peninsula, is generally of low elevation in the Maritimes.
  • But just as tobacco once spread from Europe to the Ottoman Empire (thanks to “English infidels,” wrote one Turkish historian), another curse has blown eastward from the civilized West: the smoking ban, due to arrive in Asia Minor on July 19.

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