IPA: ˈitɝ
- A person or animal who eats.
- A fruit or other food that is suitable for eating, especially one that is intended to be eaten uncooked.
- (cellular automata) A configuration of cells that appears to consume another configuration by gradually causing it to disappear.
Examples of "eater" in Sentences
- (Peter peter pumpkin eater/had a wife and couldn't keep her ...)
- The planet eater from the Star Trek episode, The Doomsday Machine.
- 320 Easterns greatly respect a belle fourchette, especially when the eater is a lover.
- Now, beneath those manholes, a man-eater is waiting ... a ravaging animal-turned-monster bent on destroying everything in its wake.
- However, it's not explicit that the purple people eater is extra-terrestrial in origin, based on the lyrical evidence, only that it can fly ...
- I hear the paste-eater is a drug-addicted whackjob who has imaginery conversations with his drugs (um, I did a lot of drugs and they never, uh, talked to me), the telcos are actively helping the government spy on us (um, duh) and lying about it, the Right is crying their mascara-stained eyes out for some civility the turd blossom might get indicted and even Newt “killing-the-government-to-save-it” Gingrich knows when to jump ship.