IPA: ˈɛbʌni
- (uncountable) A hard, dense, deep black wood from various subtropical and tropical trees, especially of the genus Diospyros.
- (countable) A tree that yields such wood.
- (countable and uncountable) A deep, dark black colour.
- (slang, countable) A black key on a piano or other keyboard instrument.
- A female given name from English.
- (derogatory) A stereotypical African-American woman.
- Made of ebony wood.
- A deep, dark black colour.
- Dark-skinned; black; especially in reference to African-Americans.
Examples of "ebony" in Sentences
- Very little of the so-called ebony is genuine, most of the ebony of commerce consisting of fine-grained hardwood, stained black.
- It was fearfully swelled (in those days our coat-sleeves were made very large), and as black as ebony from the shoulder to the wrist.
- We were only there to exchange a shelf component - we'd grabbed "ebony" instead of "birch" - so I could appreciate the pathos of it all.
- They were like young and beautiful Dantes carved in ebony; Dantes unembittered by the world, unsicklied by the pale cast of thought, and glowing with the life of the warm South.
- A sumptuous Russian sleigh drawn by two splendid black horses, with a statuesque driver in ebony handling the ribbons, attracted the attention of the crowd as it dashed down the avenue and paused near the capitol steps.
- In two of the chapels there are some fine altar-pieces by Holbein and one of his scholars; and a very large crucifix of silver and ebony, which is kept with great care, is said to have been carried with the Crusaders to the Holy Land.
- An inventory, conducted using high resolution sonar - a technology used to locate objects underwater - has identified some 100 species of trees, including sought-after hardwoods such as ebony, teak and mahogany, all buried in the lake bed.
- Interesting trees of the tropical quebradas include the toat-thorned acacia (tepemezquite), tree catclaw (tésota, guache), many other catclaws and gatuños (Acacia spp.), black tower (torote prieto), papelillos, mountain ebony, arborescent morning glory (palo santo or palo bobo), and pochotes.
- Chrysophyllum perpulchrum (Q) and Chidlowia sanguinea; and the 'Sassandrian' forest in the south-west, dominated by water-demanding species such as ebony Diospyros spp. and Mapania spp. with numerous endemic species, especially in the lower Cavally Valley and the Meno and Hana depressions near Mont Niénokoué.