
IPA: ɪkɫiziˈæstɪkʌɫ


  • Of or pertaining to the church.

Examples of "ecclesiastical" in Sentences

  • The very next year the Council formally introduced the evil which they called ecclesiastical reformation.
  • Eulogio Gillow was strongly favored in ecclesiastical and political circles, and was a particularly close friend of President Díaz.
  • Aside from the fact that its fans can claim honorary doctoral degrees in ecclesiastical history, how else does "The Da Vinci Code" weave its magic spell?
  • Brassy is not a polite adjective and in ecclesiastical circles in the twentieth century Brummagem brass came to be seen as the worst expression of commercial bad taste.
  • A novel that provides readers with "honorary doctoral degrees in ecclesiastical history," describes Jesus as a sexual hedonist, and claims the Catholic Church is built on lies.
  • Noonan is VERY important thinker, and a comment box is no place to air what whole conferences have debated over the years, ie, his ultimate place in ecclesiastical and juridic letters.
  • It was exclusively a _commercial_ city, there was nothing ecclesiastical (Babylon _ecclesiastical_, the religious system had been destroyed, when all _religious_ head-ship had been summed up in Apleon).

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