IPA: ɪkɫˈæmpsjʌ
- (pathology) A complication of pregnancy characterized by seizures and coma due to hypertension.
Examples of "eclampsia" in Sentences
- These are signs that the most serious stage of this complication, called eclampsia, may be developing.
- KALISH: The overall risk of having pre-eclampsia, which is high blood pressure in pregnancy, is about 7 percent.
- (Screw the book — you can’t die before I meet you in person = P) But yes, eclampsia is way scary and you are indeed lucky.
- Since the only cure for eclampsia is getting the baby out, I’d had an emergency C-section as soon as I arrived at the hospital.
- And sometimes preeclampsia can actually progress to something known as eclampsia, and that's actually when you have the seizures as well.
- If you're someone who has - having multiples or you had a history of heart disease or you have something known as eclampsia, you may want to stay away from the running.
- Doctors warn of the more serious condition, called eclampsia, which is characterized by headache, disturbances of vision, vomiting, pain in the stomach, and possibly convulsions or coma.
- If the swelling increases suddenly or causes very rapid weight gain, women should go to a health facility to have their blood pressure and urine checked for pre-eclampsia, which is a life-threatening complication (see Chapter 9).
- Pre-eclampsia: Researchers developed and tested a model that allows doctors to identify pregnant women at increased risk of major complications from pre-eclampsia, which is a leading cause of maternal deaths, according to a report in The Lancet.