edge tool

IPA: ˈɛdʒtˈuɫ


  • (archaic) A tool or weapon with a sharpened edge or blade.

Examples of "edge-tool" in Sentences

  • She is an edge-tool, and requires great care in dealing with.
  • “Those are the utensils of an edge-tool maker,” thought Marius.
  • "Those are the utensils of an edge-tool maker," thought Marius.
  • His feet were yet bound, and he would need an edge-tool to loose that binding.
  • It was a cruel mistake, but it might have been worse, for hearts are deceitful, and what is false and baneful is apt to prove an edge-tool.
  • The best was they had no weapons; for though they had bows, they had no arrows left, nor any materials to make any; nor had they any edge-tool among them.
  • Lovelace was a good edge-tool, and steel to the back: and such coarse but hearty praises he gave you, as an abandoned man might give, and only an abandoned man could wish to deserve.
  • She said: 'It was sooth what I told thee, that whiles he groweth so battle-eager that whatso edge-tool he beareth must needs come out of the scabbard; but there was more in it than that, which I could not tell thee erst.
  • The Irish blacksmiths in this country usually know how to make them, and we have got up a pattern of them, which are manufactured by Laighton and Lufkin, edge-tool makers, of Auburn, N. H., which have been tested, and found to suit the ideas of the Irish workmen.
  • Had Marius been a little more learned in this line, he would have recognized in what he took for the engines of an edge-tool maker, certain instruments which will force a lock or pick a lock, and others which will cut or slice, the two families of tools which burglars call cadets and fauchants.

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