IPA: ˈɛdʌfʌs
- A building; a structure; an architectural fabric, especially a large and spectacular one
- An abstract structure; a school of thought.
Examples of "edifice" in Sentences
- The entire U.S. geopolitical imperial edifice is a house built on sand.
- To him this edifice is a beautiful structure, although it will never be finished.
- "That whole rather rickety edifice is being swept away and replaced with a much simpler system," Sampson said.
- Having the bad luck to ascend to Power just as the whole Washington edifice is swirling down the shithole. ha ha ha
- The old blueprints were found much later and the reconstructed edifice is a replica of how it was before the bad times.
- The owner of the edifice is a 56 years old landscape architect by the way, and he say an upwards of $12,000 has gone into building thetreehouse.
- Now on the one hand, as we have seen, every brick making up this massive conceptual edifice is a friable mixture of untruth, half-truth, hypothesis or assertion.
- Even his grand Social Security edifice is under assault by the vandals of the G.O.P. Conservatives insist the cuts are necessary to get the roaring federal budget deficit under control.
- Successful policies & programs might take decades of hard work to carefully craft & hordes of active & involved supporters to defend them against the forces of reaction & hate while the edifice is being built & occupied.
- The Eiffel-like edifice is modelled on the 1799 Faversham church spire which adopted very similar buttresses in order to soften the blow should it fall into the town as a result of an explosion at the nearby gunpowder works.