
IPA: ɛdʒʌkˈeɪʃʌn


  • (uncountable) The process of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment.
  • (countable) Facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, especially through formal instruction.
  • (now rare) Upbringing, rearing.

Examples of "education" in Sentences

  • For example I added myself to the education directory this way @wefollow #education.
  • His intellect had been less cultivated by education, and _education adds to the beauty of the face_.
  • Ornamental education is not wanted -- it is worse than useless until a _useful education_ has been inculcated.
  • Mendelssohn, the son of a poor rabbin, in a village in Germany, received an education completely rabbinical, and its nature must be comprehended, or the term of _education_ would be misunderstood.
  • _Well, then, as you have such a great objection to a child commencing his education early in life, at what age may he, with safety, commence his lessons? and which do you prefer -- home or school education_?
  • But notwithstanding the fact that I value most highly a _genuinely_ religious education, I feel that for the purposes just mentioned we cannot place much reliance upon _that which in our schools of to-day passes by the name of religious education_.
  • ” And, as I am afraid it is not permissible to speak of this form of opposition to scientific education in the past tense; may we not expect to be told that this, not only omission, but prohibition, of “mere literary instruction and education” is a patent example of scientific narrow-mindedness?
  • If this be true, and popular opinion is to supersede the wisdom of the experts, if the people are really to have power, and be competent critics of good government, or merely to become good material in the hands of constructive statesmanship, education must include or be essentially _political education_.
  • But if this be granted, I have established my contention that the Humanities should not be treated as a mere crown and ornament of education; that they should inform every part of it, from the beginning, in every school of the realm: that whether a child have more education or less education, what he has can be, and should be a ‘liberal education’ throughout.

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