IPA: ˈɛdʒʌkeɪtɝ
- A person distinguished for their educational work, a teacher.
Examples of "educator" in Sentences
- Further, becoming a diabetes educator is not easy, there is no direct route.
- But the role of educator is a role which responsible persons dare not shirk.
- My best guess as an educator is she needs a good dose of self esteem and self value.
- My friend Charlie Darling, whom I know as a kickass sex educator, is going to be singing.
- The role of an educator is not to lecture from on high, filling empty vessels with a predetermined amount of "correct" knowledge.
- My role as an educator is to seek out this information, present it in a way that stimulates thinking, in a way that informs opinion and transforms mere opinions into cogent arguments.
- It doesn't take much to shuffle test papers in front of a classrooms of students; the art of the educator is in interpreting the results and assisting each student in their strength and weaknesses.
- As NCATE puts it, The essential task of any educator is to combine a depth of knowledge about subjects with a thorough understanding of the subject under study and to bridge the two with appropriate instructional plans and pedagogical tools.