IPA: ˈɛfɪkæsi
- Ability to produce a desired effect under ideal testing conditions.
- Degree of ability to produce a desired effect; effectiveness.
Examples of "efficacy" in Sentences
- • Duration of efficacy is key to the entire question.
- If duration of efficacy is less than fifteen years, then no cancers are prevented, only postponed.
- The rise in efficacy of “Terrorism” is largely from the increased availability in inexpensive but highly effective weapons and equipment.
- It has been shown to have long-term efficacy, meaning it could be administered in small doses, potentially reducing severity of side effects.
- "I am fairly skeptical about the long-term efficacy of this intervention," said Yunosuke Ikeda, chief foreign-exchange strategist at Nomura Securities Co.
- Not because they're corrupt, or deceitful or because they don't believe in efficacy of the public option, but because they don't believe the system would allow it to happen.
- More information on the homeopathic treatment of mental illness and more scientific evidence verifying its efficacy is contained in a newly published textbook on the subject, Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles, and Research.
- In my own clumsy way I am merely trying to point out that thinking that you can understand Buddhist practice and thought without experiencing them and accepting the possibility of their efficacy is kind of like pretending to understand science while disbelieving the validity of mathematics.