IPA: ˈɛfɝtɫʌs
- Without effort.
Examples of "effortless" in Sentences
- She normally wore an expression of effortless efficiency.
- She has everything to make it beautiful and effortless, which is what you want.
- The only two things that I pretty much do extremely well and effortless is saving money and organizing.
- And it's all the effort that goes into making something sounds effortless, which is a kind of art that I like.
- Consequently, dzogchen meditation on rigpa is called effortless meditation, non-meditation, or non-deliberate meditation.
- The image of Jax moved in effortless time with the sweep of my arms, the steady gait of my approach to the edge of the tower, and I knew that to all eyes I was Jax.
- That's where the Post-Gazette landed, with a 21/2-star review that concluded: "'Death at a Funeral' is not what you'd call effortless British farce, but it generates enough giggles -- and a modicum of solid laughs -- to justify the effort."
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