
IPA: ˈɛft


  • A newt, especially the European smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris, syn. Triturus punctatus).
  • (banking) Initialism of electronic funds transfer.
  • Initialism of Emotional Freedom Techniques (“a form of counselling based on various alternative medicine practices”).


  • (obsolete) Again; afterwards

Examples of "eft" in Sentences

  • EFT DVDs are the training tool of EFT.
  • EFT is not science, pseudo or otherwise.
  • They are published by the founder of EFT.
  • EFT and acupuncture are different, I agree.
  • Edgy Eft is to 6.10 as dapper drake is to 6.06
  • EFT does indeed work, and works extremely well.
  • L eft it there and eventually the problem vanished.
  • EFT does not claim to be science, it is a 'treatment method'.
  • Claims of their existence are just as pseudoscientific as EFT.
  • Nam nupta meretrici hoftis 4 eft, a viro ubi fe -; gregata eft*
  • • Refurgat inima tua ab iniquitate per id, quod Deus eft, re« iirgat corpus tuuiii a corruptione per id, quod ho« no eft« • 4.
  • [3] The H. - So. rendering (ærest = _history, origin_; 'eft' for 'est'), though liable to objection, is perhaps the best offered.
  • Joanne » ac Judae poftremo eft unica« Sofli hsec MOmnia divinae germana volumina chart». iiQuidquid praeterea eft» haud inter certs locandum,
  • -- Perhaps, 'eft' with verbs of saying may have the force of Lat. prefix 're,' and the H. - So. reading mean, 'that I should its origin rehearse to thee.'
  • Nam praeter bonitatem Divinitatis i peculiarem nobii Salvator debet afFtdum; quia ficut Deus nofter iil pfo eft, ita & (anguis nofter in iUo eft» MifericoC'*
  • The Commission was established three years ago by Congress to recommend action and legislation in connection with the development of public or private EFT systems.
  • Can't Post | Private Reply ok let's go through this again: open an hsbc account in the usa; then open an hsbc in mexico; and the account holder can make "eft" (electronic fund transfers) from the usa account to the mexico account? right? marquitos
  • Quemad - modnm enim ad populi falutem legislator ft Deo Moyfes e fublimi moute adambrandaB legis imagini miffus eft, ita, oaae veritaf, ip& eft» leglBlator Dominus dcueus a Deo, moQS a monte ex coeleftibus mootibus.ad. noftri popuii fidutem eft miflus.
  • The Anglo-Dutch oil major's operations onshore Nigeria have long been beset by sabotage and th eft and the company has faced decades of criticism from environmental and human-rights groups concerned about the impact its activities have had on the local ecosystem.
  • Tales profe6io funt quam plurimi; at non quisquis converfus eft, ut puerorum fimilis evadat, id dTecutus eft» ut pueris fimilis fiat; fed quantum unus - quisque ab eo, quem diximus, puerorum circa animi afireftus habitu abeft, tantumdem abeft, ut ad puero* rum fimilitudinem accedat.

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