IPA: ˈigoʊ
- The self, especially with a sense of self-importance.
- (psychology, Freudian) The most central part of the mind, which mediates with one's surroundings.
- A person's self-esteem and opinion of themselves.
Examples of "ego" in Sentences
- The word ego comes from Latin, where it means “I, myself.”
- If the word ego flashed in front of you, what would you write?
- (EE-goh) The I or self of any person (ego is Latin for I).
- The term ego, added to an active Indian verb, renders it passive.
- As a concept, self-esteem can be traced to Freud, who used the term ego ideal.
- The term ego is often used to mean personal pride and self-absorption: Losing at chess doesnt do much for my ego.
- Over the last two and a half years we searched 2,190 news articles mainly business-related that used the word ego in any way.
- The term ego-trip comes up more than once in the bonus material; one actress says she hated working on the set because of him.